Serving Others

St. John’s church

YoYo York Schools & Youth Trust

As part of our continuing interest and desire to see God’s word proclaimed as a church we support YoYo, the York Schools and Youth Trust who work with local schools to teach the Christian Faith.  Further details of their work can be found on their website. 

We also have a small team of church members who present the Word of God in two local school on a regular basis, called ‘Open the Book’.

Mother’s Union

The Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation working to support marriage and family life around the world.

St Giles’ Mother Union has been meeting for over 100 years and currently meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the St Giles’ Centre at 2pm. You are so very welcome to join us, whether you are a mother or not!

We are a small friendly group who meet informally once a month and are always looking for new members. We have 2 Coffee Mornings per year to raise funds to support the MU projects at home and abroad which include a Disaster Fund and Literacy and Development. 

More details about the Mother’s Union nationally can be found at

You are also very welcome to e-mail or call our Admin office on 01904 708813.

York Foodbank

There is a collection point for York Foodbank in the narthex (hall) of the church. The following goods are particularly needed:


Thank you for your support!

Church Mission Society

As part of our continuing interest and desire to see God’s word proclaimed as a church we support Mission Partners Evaldo and Rebecca Reid Rodrigues, working with CMS in Brazil. 

“We are serving with ReVive, a ministry in Olinda, north east Brazil, started by CMS mission partners Andy and Rose Roberts. ReVive works with girls who have suffered from abuse or exploitation and who now live at a house where the team helps them restore their lives. Rebecca has worked with CMS at ReVive since 2015 and Evaldo, a lawyer from Recife, has been volunteering there for several years. We met in 2014 and were married in 2018.”

We seek to bring the love of Jesus as a source of freedom and dignity for vulnerable girls and other people marginalised by society.

To give the marginalised a voice and to bring hope and healing in Brazil by working with abused children at ReVive.

Read more about Evaldo and Rebecca Reid Rodrigues …
Olinda is a place with high levels of poverty and inequality, which leaves many children and young people living on the streets and vulnerable to drug addiction, sexual and physical abuse, trafficking and prostitution. Many young people grow up lacking both the motivation and knowledge to break the crippling cycle of poverty and abuse. Rebecca spends most of her time walking alongside girls as they work through their trauma and move towards healing. She works on creative projects, helping the girls capture good memories, as well as connecting with psychologists to help with the girls’ therapy. Rebecca also hopes to set up internships, further education and career opportunities for the girls. Evaldo has many roles too, including working with Christian families to overcome the legal barriers that can make it difficult to adopt. As a lawyer, his vision is to eventually create an organisation of Christian lawyers who are able to volunteer their time to help in three areas: representing those who can’t afford legal fees, combatting slave labour and assisting organisations and NGOs such as ReVive. As coordinator of ReVive’s work with the homeless, he meets many people who don’t have the basic paperwork – such as a birth certificate – to claim government assistance. He also deals with the legal paperwork for ReVive and offers legal assistance to the girls. Currently only five per cent of the cities of north east Brazil have a system of fostering, so Evaldo is helping ReVive navigate the red tape to implement a fostering programme. This means that girls can be cared for and rehabilitated in families rather than institutions.